

                    KHALI LINUX BEST HACKING TOOLS The Best 20 Hacking and Penetration Tools for Kali Linux 1. Aircrack-ng Aircrack-ng  is one of the best wireless password hack tools for WEP/WAP/WPA2 cracking utilized worldwide! It works by taking packets of the network, analyses it via passwords recovered. It also possesses a console interface. In addition to this, Aircrack-ng also makes use of standard FMS (Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir) attack along with a few optimizations such as the KoreK attacks and PTW attack to quicken the attack which is faster than the WEP. ADVERTISEMENTS If you find Aircrack-ng hard to use, simply check for tutorials available online. Aircrack-ng Wifi Network Security 2. THC Hydra THC Hydra  uses brute force attack to crack virtually any remote authentication service. It supports rapid dictionary attacks for  50+  protocols including ftp, https, telnet, etc. You can use it to crack into web...